Giving back to community and being in service to the people are things King Khazm is passionate about. Learn about some great organizations in the Pacific Northwest and find ways to be involved!

206 Zulu is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible spaces while serving communities through the upliftment, preservation, and celebration of Hip Hop culture.

As the cultural funding agency for King County, Washington, 4Culture works to make our region vibrant. Look for all the ways we are at work in your community.

The Here and Now Project‘s mission is to connect and empower the paralysis community in the Pacific Northwest. Through private support groups, community activities and larger annual gatherings, we have built a fellowship who encourage and inspire each other to “Do Life” in the here and now.

Washington Hall has been a welcoming place where people gather, create, entertain, and celebrate since it was built in 1908. The Hall has been a cultural home to many communities and art forms, and for a long time embodied the soul of Seattle’s Central Area.